Friday 14 December 2012

Great 21st Birthday Gift Ideas - How To Find The ONE!

Finding Great 21st Birthday Gift Ideas cannot be any easier with the numerous number of 21st Birthday Gift Ideas pages online. What I love about how these pages are presented is that they put everything you want all in the one spot. Whether your searching for 21st Birthday Gift Ideas or Great Gift Ideas For Men your sure to find what your looking for. At the very least they will get your mind ticking over with great gift ideas.

Rather then spending countless hours searching online for individual gift ideas, what you are presented with is a bunch of popular and high quality gift ideas convienently located all on the one page.

I know how convenient it was for me when I was searching for a gift for a  friends 21st Birthday when I came across a page full of Great 21st Birthday Gift Ideas. The page I found is located at

Instantly I started thinking oh, this is a good idea and I wonder if my friend would enjoy this for a Birthday Present. Then I would scroll down more and see even more awesome Gift Ideas and also wonder...would Dave really appreciate a Beer Paddle.. Of Course he would! 

You see I would not have known about such a great 21st birthday Present such as the Beer Paddle without finding this page and I am so glad I looked around and found this complete list of great 21st Birthday Gift Ideas. 

My point here is that without having a look around (Google Search) and viewing other peoples recommendations for a 21st Birthday Gift, I wouldn't have come across the Awesome Beer paddle.

Now my mate Dave at first didn't know what a Beer Paddle was, but once he saw what I saw..He was in LOVE! This makes me feel really good and like I have achieved my goal of finding the perfect 21st Birthday Gift Idea. 

This may not be the Gift Idea you may be searching for, but it's just my example of how I found the best Birthday Gift for my friend Dave. Search A little and find what your looking for (even if you don't know what your looking for).

*You Can Start Your Search For 21st Birthday Gift Ideas HERE*

Sunday 11 November 2012

The Key To Gaming Domination: The Logitech Wireless Gaming Mouse G700

The Logitech Wireless Gaming Mouse G700

Having the best Gaming accessories as part of your Gaming Arsenal is crucial to dominating your competition. When it comes to PC Gaming the number one weapon of choice could very well be The Logitech Wireless Gaming Mouse G700!.

Logitech is no stranger to producing some of the best Gaming Accessories and The Logitech Wireless Gaming Mouse G700 is no exception. In my opinion the G700 is one of the Best Gaming Mouse for under $100 and now it's under $75. Available from for a mere $67 (valid as of Nov 2012).

This truly remarkable gaming mouse has been part of my Gaming and office procedings for well over a year now, and I can honestly say 'It's A Winner!'.

Predominately I use the Logitech G700 mostly for gaming and it does cop a hiding every now and then, for most of my office work I prefer to use the Logitech G9 (which is an impressive piece of PC Hardware, But that's an entire new post right there). But the thing that has impressed me most about this Gaming mouse, is the Longevity and durability. For the work out it receives I thought for sure after 6 months it was time to get a new mouse. But the G700 just keeps on going. Brilliant really.

For more performance related info simply head over to the review site of The Logitech Wireless Gaming Mouse G700

Thursday 18 October 2012

Making Money Online From Home With Ease!

I like many others desire to be making money online from home. With so many options and avenues you can take to making money online, sometimes it becomes overwhelming.

I like to keep it simple, less technical work the better. What I found is a business opportunity which requires you to do the bare minimum to finally work from home. No website, no scam just a simple method which works and has been going really well for me.

I've created a new Squidoo lens all about it for anyone interested in Making Money Online From Home With Ease. Go check it out for yourself. You have nothing to loose, everything to gain!

P.s. Anyone who does join up for the risk free 30 day trial will get my Proven methods to boost this income stream. Absolutely FREE.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Getting Paid For Using A Tool I Need Is SWEET!

Email Marketing, AutoResponders, List-Building … all words that ring in the ears of many online marketers, affiliate marketers, and network marketing professionals.

The pro’s know the importance of building targeted prospect lists and then managing those lists to maximize sales and profits. Effectively using these powerful tools and have a huge impact on your business.

But that’s just part of the story. While you should absolutely be using these tools to build your business, there is also a way you can monetize your email marketing autoresponder. By simply referring other uses to, you can not only get your AutoResponder service absolutely free, but you can also build an additional income stream in the process. offers a simple yet powerful referral system where you can build a significant income by referring other network marketers, affiliate marketers, internet marketers, and even traditional businesses to our service.

We’ve put together a couple of powerful videos to show you exactly how you can get paid to refer others to the same AutoResponder system you are using to build your business!
To view these videos, just click here.
You will see exactly how you can build an additional income stream while keeping your focus on your primary business!

Monday 3 September 2012

The Best Rated Flat Screen TVs

best rated flat screen tvs
Is it time to finally bite the bullet and ditch your old fat Television set? Or maybe a simple upgrade to a bigger and better Flat Screen TV. The Best Rated Flat Screen TVs is my new Lens dedicated to providing you with the best quality Flat Screen TV's of 2012.

From the top 3 best sellers to the best rated flat screen TVs you will find the best deals TVs going around. Choosing the right Flat Screen TV for one's personal needs can sometimes be challenging with such a large variety of brands and models out there. How is one to know which is the best TV for them. There are some aspects one must first look into before considering which TV to buy. These aspects are outlined in the Lens. With only the Best Rated Flat Screens being reviewed here you know you will not buy a flop and can buy with confidence at the worlds trusted online store.

So make sure you check out the range of TV's with Free Shipping, free $100 gift card, Finance available and even Rebates on selected TV's. Buying a Flat Screen online is fast becoming a popular method, simply because you can research the TV you want without being hassled by salesmen. Plus with Free Shipping and 60 days Guarantee it's hard to look past buying a Flat Screen TV online at bargain Prices.

Monday 20 August 2012

The Golden Path Closes It's Doors

Well, what a email to wake up to today! I was waiting to hear the actual conference call before making my decision as to whether to fund my Golden Path account or not. I guess the decision has been made for me!

So The Golden Path is now officially closed for business until further notice. It's time to straighten out the kinks and bring back a new and IMPROVED Golden Path. Well we all hope. In the email they stated that they will be removing the removing the necessity for recruitment of new members. This sounds great, but how will it work? Maybe the incentive of joining the Golden Path without having to recruit (although this was how it was originally meant to be) might actually encourage more new members to join. Reverse psychology perhaps?

So the newest members could end up being rather lucky, if all well prevails. The newsletter also stated that new members wont be able to join The Golden Path for months!. We members are now part of a exclusive private club. Admit you feel a little bit special.

So my thoughts are still somewhat unchanged on TGP, maybe when I watch the replay of the conference call things might change. Time will tell.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Zeek Rewards Shuts Down

The news of Zeek Rewards being shut down due to Ponzi Scheme has sent quite a few nerves through the Multi Level Marketing industry. The SEC shut the doors to just a couple days ago on Friday 17th August 2012.

Over one million members of Zeek Rewards will be waking up this weekend and not feeling so well. Almost like they have lost someone close to them. I didn't actually join up to Zeek Rewards, but just a few short weeks ago I was looking into the program. As per normal I got side tracked and forgot to take any further action.

Even tho I personally wasn't involved in Zeek Rewards it still sends a chill through me. Who's NEXT? Will the SEC (Security And Exchange Commission) continue on their rampage and destroy the programs I am involved in! Lets hope not!.

Fortunately for the good of man kind their are Legit company's online in which you can make a decent wage from. These sort of programs are what give us all stability and can afford to take a chance with some of the more riskier sites.

Take A Chance Today On A REAL Online Business And Be Amazed By The Results

Monday 6 August 2012

WOW the Golden Path Is Starting To Rock!

I cannot be HAPPIER then I am right now with the progress of my Golden Path account. If your sitting on the fence I say JUMP IN!

So here's the deal. I joined on June 10. Cycled my first position into Level 1 on June 29. On June 21, I bought my 2nd $2 Subscription (SUB) which cycled it's first position into level 2 on July 28.

So this morning the 6th August (Australia Time) my very first position created by my first SUB on June 10(cycled into lvl 2 June 29) has cycled into Level 3!!! When a position cycles into level 3 the member gets $5. Doesn't sound like much but it only goes up from here :)

For 9 days in a row now both of my SUBS positions have been cycling Level 1 everyday! It would appear that I am now self funding (costing me no more).

So now that my first position has cycled into level 3, my account has now finally/this very day gone positive. Going in the right direction now. Going up instead of down or remaining equal. GREAT NEWS!

THANK-YOU Golden Path. Keep On Rocking!

If you want to join and take your life down the Golden Path with a serious kinf natured business Then click on thee link below!. You WON'T regret it!.
Banner 2 468 x 60

Tuesday 17 July 2012

FREE Step-By-Step Guide To Make Money In 24 Hrs

Hi everyone,

After many many long hours and hard work, we have finally put together out Team's Excellent Guide to Making Money Online In 24 HRS.

Step By Step instructions so that You too can implicate the methods used by our elite team to bring in over $10,000 a month with ease.

The best part is that its FREE for you to use and once you join our exclusive team (FREE) you will have access to all the Videos and Tutorials that each member of this awesome team use each and every day. These videos are hidden from the general public and are only available to the Team Members.

Thanks everyone for your support and feedback.

CLICK HERE For The Link to The Step-by-step FREE guide To Making Money In 24 HRS PDF

Remember, DON'T Dream Of Being Like That Rich Guy On T.V

BECOME That Rich Guy!

Sunday 15 July 2012

Just Been Paid - Make Easy Money Online


Simply The Easiest Way To Make Money Online

By now many folks seeking to make easy money online have either joined or come across Just Been Paid at some stage. I came across JBP a few times before I decided to find out what all the hype is about. The obvious 'is Just Been Paid a scam' Google search was entered. Needless to say I came across many marketers using appropriate keywords  and page optimization. Not finding much to turn me away I checked on You Tube. The video that made me join was this one:

My Sponsors Just Been Paid Video Proof


What Is Just Been Paid And JSS Tripler

First up what I LOVE about Just Been Paid is the FREE $10 You will get once signing up. From this free $10 you are able to turn it into a fortune. Provided you are great at getting sign ups to JBP. By referring people to JBP you receive a 10% cut. Not only this but if your referral signs up more people, you get a 5% cut also. The potential is unlimited in Just Been Paid.

But the BEST thing about Just Been Paid is that you don't need referrals to make money!. But once you see the beauty of this program you will want to tell everyone anyway.

It's passive income at its best. No work, no sign ups required, a few minutes a day is all that's needed and you earn 2% Daily. So every single day of the week, you will see new money in your account. Its so awesome to find a program that delivers money to your account DAILY!.

Visit my Lens dedicated to Just Been Paid to find out how it all works. See examples like turning $100 (one time investment) into a easy $140+ DAILY.

You Can Find This Great Up To Date Dedication To JBP Right HERE.

Thursday 12 July 2012

The Golden Path Cycling To Increase

Hold Onto Your Seats Folks!

We're In For Some Cycling

Wow the latest Golden Path newsletter brings us all hope and lets us dream again of breaking free from the constant struggle that is our J.O.B (just over broke).

I for one am looking forward to the day when I no longer need to set an alarm at ridiculous hours of the morning. Just last week the Admin from The Golden Path asked us 'WHY' do we want this, why are we here at The golden Path. For me and I'm sure for many many more people, why we are here at the Golden Path for one reason only. That is to be financially FREE.

To not have to stress day in day out about money coming in, whether we have work next week, money for rent etc. The list goes on and on. The Golden Path is here to help us all break free from this burden known as poverty. Remember everyone, once you are in the green with The Golden Path (made profit) be generous enough to help out someone else who is in a financial crisis. Sponsor them and pay there way in, give back what The Golden Path has given us. For this I will be truly Thank-full to The Golden Path, the best way to make easy money online right now!.

Not sure what The Golden Path is all about? Visit HERE. This down to earth explanation of how we can all earn passive income through The Golden Path will be sure to enlighten you.

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Here's The Latest Golden Path Newsletter. Enjoy! 


 Dear Golden Path Members,

We thank you for all your patience in our upgrades and implementations to better our program for years to come!!!  There is no doubt that we have had some server turbulence and some security issues to conquer but we did prevail with pay outs getting close to the USD$1,000,000 marker!! We are proud of what you, as a membership, have accomplished and we are excited about our future! In fact our next 2 companies are going to hit records rarely seen before as we have brought forward not only like minded people, but industry experts, to join our network!!!  Please remember you must have 100 subscriptions to get involved in the world's first ever ......?!!  Now! You can believe in our network and put a little faith in it, or you can sign up in scams across the globe and lose your money. I could name 3 or 4 companies getting close to collapse but NEVER WITH OUR COMPANY GUARANTEED and we will always have a 100% money back guarantee (payable in 90 days) as we know the power of giving and working hard !!!!!

Now down to business! We have received a number of complaints from members in relation to the cycling times and we have made that our number one priority for the next two weeks, to speed up the matrix. We had to finish the upgrades and minor tweaks and we have NOW FINISHED the job!!! THANK YOU ALEX!!!  Now we can focus on speed!!! You will notice a considerable difference in speed over the next 3 weeks!!  Now remember folks, we are a huge family in this network and you too can help YOUR company by buying subs and referring people! Let's hit it hard! After all, we work for you, everyday, 24/7.  Will you take care of your company, too?  IT BELONGS TO ALL OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Although we cannot make income claims, we can say that the next 3 weeks are going to be fun, fun, fun guys and gals!

Now folks we want you to understand the compensation plan, and therefore we invented a plan that works for EVERYBODY!! Why else would we have a 100% money back guarantee? BECAUSE WE HAVE A FORMULA THAT WORKS! There are people in this organization that are going to walk out with over 1000 times their money in twelve months.  YOU HEARD RIGHT! 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE AFTER 90 DAYS!!!!!!  Why 90 days?!!  Because you will see the real power when you hit that marker period!!!!!

When Jason made the video, he was explaining the video in the best terminology that he could think of at that time, however, he described the activities of a fully capped person, rather than a person who owned just a few Subs. Jason apologizes and has undertaken to produce a better video very soon.  But folks,  90 days,  to see the POWER OF OUR PROGRAM  is nothing but, absolutely, reasonable. Stick with the company, grow your account wisely at say 1% a day and you will come out smelling like a rose!!!  We will help people across the globe for many years to come and if you just have the "Faith of a Grain of a Mustard Seed, you will move Mountains!";     Now what business do you know of that can be in profits by month 2 or 3 and then increase in income for life!!!!!!!!!!    Good luck! I will say this, don't send us links of companies that will fold! Trust us! We've been in them too!  NOT THE GOLDEN PATH!!!!

Now folks think for one minute about our work, sacrifice and our love which paid for all the technology that is The Golden Path,  and yet, we make the same as you do !!!!!  Now think about that when you are judging a company who asked for just three little months TO SEE THE POWER OF OUR PLAN, OR GET A FULL REFUND, MINUS WITHDRAWALS!!!!!   Now folks, I can explain this program 1000 times, but remember,  I created a formula that took me 10 years to completely perfect! Now, do you know everything about the transmission of the car you are driving, or how to rebuild the engine? Sometimes it is just best to turn the key and drive to your destination!!! We have handed you a lottery ticket! You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink!!!     FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELTS, AS WE PLAN ON NOTHING SHORT OF FUTURE MIRACLES, WITH GENIUS PLANNING!!!

Lastly, Jason has made some minor changes to improve our program and make it work better for the newer members.  It is crucial that we help the new people in our business because if we don't, then we would be no different than the greedy rich out there!!!  Effective Immediately!  Admin has deducted $5.00 from the pay in level 5, per cycle, to go into a newly created account called the Angel Continuance Account.  This will help the newer members; cycle faster as we can load additional Angels!!!! Now, in addition, and because of multiple withdrawal requests, we have also imposed a $2.00 withdrawal fee to cover support costs due to numerous requests. Your admin team will always work in your best interest even if you do not understand what they are doing!

SO! Now for the news you've all been waiting for! The new TGP Support Portal will be online within a few hours and can be found in the bottom right hand side of your window when you have logged into your TGP account.

Alternatively, Members will be able to access the Knowledge Bank at  

The next News Letter will update you further on this and some other wonderful updates.

Take Care!

God Bless To All Our Family ,
Stan Jensen – CEO  - TGP LTD
22.00 hours on 12th July 2012.
Adelaide. Australia

Wednesday 27 June 2012

The Unstoppable Whirlpool, The Next Golden Path?

I'm at it again! Investing into whether is a scam or will it grow like The Golden Path.

"Update 09/09/2012 - As of a few days ago I let my Unstoppable Whirlwind account fade away. It turns out that it wasn't unstoppable after all.  With little to no winds for a couple weeks, my level 4 account was going backwards for what seemed like weeks. With the change of Pay Plan and lack of info. from the Unstoppable whirlwind Admin I decided to not fund my account any further. Was the Unstoppable Whirlwind a Scam?. Well that's for you to decide. All I can tell you is that it didn't work for me and I don't recommend joining this program. Lesson learned and I will now stay away from these types of Programs. Lets Hope The Golden Path doesn't go down the same windless Path."

**Skip The Review And Find Our Top Rated Program HERE**


So after being With The Golden Path for 3 weeks I have been following a lot of threads about these cyclers and group matrixes. With the downtime of The Golden Path I had a lot of time to research.

What I found was The Unstoppable Whirlwind Program. Only just had its pre launch today the 27th June (26th June 2012, depending where you live) and so far it is doing extremely well. Plenty of people are cycling really fast and getting payouts as proof.

So as it is early days I'm getting in on the action!. I shall report here to my success..or failure..
Beat the crowd and get in early I say. People tend to cycle real fast at the beginning.

So The Unstoppable WhirlWind is similar to The Golden Path as it is a company forced matrix which adds whirlwinds instead of angels into the matrix to help it continue to cycle.  It has one more level in the matrix then The Golden Path. But the daily sub costs only $1 and can  

From $1 Per Day Which Can Payout Up To $500!!. From JUST ONE DOLLAR per day!!

If you remotely interested just take a look for yourself and test the waters with just a small deposit from either STP Or Payza.

OtherWise Try Our Favorite Income Earner For FREE Here

Monday 18 June 2012 Scam Or Legit?

 Skip The review, click here for our TOP Rated opportunity!

  *Update* The Golden Path Is No MORE. New Program Replacing TGP SOON?*

Will I join this NEW program? I don't know. I believe I should probably stick to 'Legit Jobs Online' as a form of constant income.

I'm off on a mission to find out if is a scam or whether it can actually solve so many people's money problems. With such a outstanding growth in members in such a short time, this $2 compensation plan got me intrigued.

I stumbled upon The Golden Path by accident. I hadn't even heard of a "Matrix" or "matrices" before. Why did I decide to join up, what convinced me? Well I won't go into long detail here buy you can check out my webpage dedicated to The Golden Path. On that page you can find out why I joined and my current progress in the possible money making system.  


So Is The Golden Path A Scam?

I honestly believe that is not a scam. I could be wrong and all my friends will not let me live it down. For the last couple of weeks its been The Golden Path This, The golden path is the future etc... But for now I have a good feeling and want everyone to know. But if it does turn out to be a scam then everyone will know also.

So The Golden Path is basically a 2x2 company forced Matrix, Each day you buy a $2 subscription. As the days go by your subscription gets pushed along the Matrix by other peoples subscriptions,your own positions and Angel Positions.

Angel positions were added into the matrix at the opening of the Golden Path and are also added daily whenever anybody cycles a level. The amount of Angel positions created varies on the different levels. Angel positions are excatly like our positions BUT they are not human and the money earnt by angel positions will go directly back into the Matrix to keep pushing and pushing the matrix along. Helping us all cycle faster and faster.

The key to The Golden Path working is members buying the $2 Subscription everyday!! Don't let your balance fall to $0. Or any of your subscriptions already in the matrix will disappear and go to the members. Your account gets deleted after 48 hours of no subs being bought.

So once your Sub has been pushed along for long enough by other peoples positions, Angel positions and your own Positions it eventually will level up. Known as cycling. This amount of time depends and can't be guaranteed. So my story here is just a guide! So once you cycle level 1 on a daily basis your $2 sub starts to earn $2. Therefore not costing a cent anymore as it basically gets used to buy the next days $2 sub. Your sub now keeps moving along and will cycle level 2. Then you start making profit. Your sub then makes $5 each time your positions cycle level 2. Then you cycle level 3,4,5. This is when you make $44 for every $2 position created for only $2 a day. As long as you keep buying a sub everyday.(which is done automatically via the system as long as you have funds in your Ewallet)

Now this is amazing right! Keep earning $44 a day for a week or so then buy an additional sub. So now your paying $4 a day. Once it has cycled level 5 you will then make $88 every $2 sub!. Then repeat the cycle and opportunities are limitless! Just make sure you keep enough money in your Ewallet or your subs will vanish :(

If you are curious about The Golden Path I can Help. 

Sign up whenever you are convinced or feel you are ready via the below banner. This will ensure that I am your sponsor and we will be connected in the members area. So if you have any questions, I will be able to answer you more personally. Plus as an incentive I am willing to provide help with funds once I start cycling and making profits.

Once you are connected to me as your sponsor I can transfer you a bonus $10 into your Golden Path Ewallet. For now only the first 10 people to sign up under me, and only once I am cycling and making money myself. Only serious members please. Its in the good nature of The Golden Path to share and help sponsor people, so I'm doing my bit. I am serious you will see my name when you click through: Im_into_that, once you join you can message me. 

Please Note It Is Recommended To Fund About $80 per $2 Daily Sub. This Will Cover You For 40 Days.

Please also read terms of service before joining as some countries cannot participate due to their governing laws.

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The Golden Path Updates

My Journey In The Golden Path

I Joined up to about 04/06/2012. Just after I joined up the website went under construction as it needed to move to a larger server as they didn't expect such an influx of members. I didn't get a chance to fund my account as it took 2 days for my Solid Trust Pay account to transfer funds from my bank to it.. So I recommend signing up to a payment processor before joining The Golden Path. So by the time I had money in my Solid Trust Pay account and when The Golden Path's website got back up and running, it had been too long and my account had been deleted. You must buy a sub or fund your account within 48 hrs or it will be deleted.

  • So on 10/06/2012 I joined back up to The Golden Path and funded my ewallet and bought my first $2 subscription. I funded my Ewallet with $42. Which gives me 21 days to cycle level 1.
  • The Golden Path Update: 17/06/2012. My first $2 sub is still on level 1. Day 8. No money made as of yet. I feel it wont be too much further away.
  • The Golden Path Update: 21/06/2012. Haven't cycled Level 1 yet (day 11). I feel pretty convinced now that The Golden Path is going to work. So just funded my Ewallet with more cash and bought a second subscription. Now it costs me $4 a day until my first sub cycles level 1 (hopefully soon).
  • The Golden Path Update: 30/06/2012. Woohoo TGP is back online! Guess what!! My first position has cycled Level 1 and is now self funding. Great News! This happened within my budget and quicker then I had Imagined. Thank you The Golden Path 
  • The Golden Path Update 12/07/2012.  Finally digging through The back log of positions placed on June 14 due to website and DDOS issue's. 2 days in a row now i have cycled Level 1 and the next position isn't more then 1.5 days away i reckon. The Golden Path is back bigger and better then ever.
  • The Golden Path Update 28/07/2012. So I have 2 subs costing me $4 a day. Up until today I was cycling 1 sub every 2nd day. So it was still costing me on average $3 a day. Today my 2nd Sub Purchased on 21/06/2012 has cycled for the first time. So in saying this it means now it costs me $2 per day because every second day $4 is put back into my account. So now I can basically say that my 1st sub is now self funding.
  •  The Golden Path Update 29/07/2012. 2 days in a row now both of my subs have cycled level 1. So it has cost me nothing for 2 days now :). Is this the point in which my account starts building up its long term Business income??? I do not know. All I know is that TGP had a big push on the Matrices today and lots of people are cycling multiple days worth of subs in just 1 day. Thank you Golden Path, keep up the good work. 
  • The Golden Path Update 06/08/2012. 9 days in a row of both my subs cycling level 1, therefore making my account self funding :). BETTER NEWS. My very first position has now cycled level 2 and entered into level 3. Members are paid $5 per position cycling level 2. More details HERE 
  • The Golden Path Update 09/08/2012. Well If you all haven't heard The Compensation Plan for TGP has been modified. Level 5 no longer pays out to the member. Instead when you cycle level 5 you create 20 extra Angel Positions. This will help cycle the lower levels much much faster. Therefore it should mean we eventually will still earn the same amount because more positions will cycle faster on a daily basis now. 
  • Golden Path Update 18/09/2012. Well turns out The Golden Path did absolutely NOTHING for me... TGP is no more. A new program is to be announced by these guys with free membership for previous TGP members. BUT will I join?? I don't know. Along with a lot of other people I only saw promises that  I never received. 4 months ago I joined TGP and I'm now only worse off then before. Not better off!. So the new program will have to absolutely BLOW me away to interest my wallet.

Saturday 9 June 2012

The Best Mountable Sports Camera

What makes for a great mountable sports camera and what are they?

Well first up it has to be built and designed in such a way that it is mountable to most surfaces, including your body. You want a camera that has multiple mountable attachments or at least the option is their to buy these mountable attachments. It seems pointless to buy a new sports camera if it can be attached to your helmet only for example.You want a mountable sports camera then can be attached to your bike, snowboard, helmet, car, skateboard, surfboard..etc.

The mountable sports camera must be fit to withstand the harshest of environments. This isn't a ordinary camera, its an extreme sports camera and has to be up to the task. The camera will be with you through thick and thin so it must be so tough and durable to be able to keep up with what you put it through.

Your mountable sports camera needs to be able to capture the detail of every move you make. You want every second of the cliff dive to count and you want your sports camera their beside you. Capturing every intense second of your life threatening dive. The camera must be able to handle the conditions without any distorted video and no noise interference from the wind. On top of this the mountable sports camera must be waterproof!.

What I think is the best Mountable Sports Camera is completely my opinion and may differ from many others. This camera does it all. Its an obvious choice which makes it the number one sports camera that is used by many sporting extremists and athletes alike. If you haven't guessed by now, the camera I'm talking about is the GoPro HD Hero2.

It's amazing what this camera can do. The list of features just goes on and on and with the new diving attachment being released, its hard to stop the GoPro HD Hero2. Check it out for yourself. If You Dare!

Friday 18 May 2012

The 2012 Christmas Gift Ideas For Men

The 2012 Christmas Gift Ideas For Men Lens/Page is now available for you to stimulate that brain of yours. Check out some great Christmas gift ideas for men early this year so your not left wondering what to get a particular man for Christmas at the last minute. The Lens is available for viewing Here.

Buying a gift for a man can sometimes be a tedious task. With so many categories and different kind of new and exciting products available it can be difficult to choose just one. So the 2012 Christmas Gift Ideas For Men Lens tries to cover a vast selection of potential gift ideas for men to try and make buying that special gift for a man just that little bit easier.

 Some examples for buying a guys Christmas gift for 2012 included in the lens cover areas of Christmas gift ideas in the following categories:
  • 2012 Electronic Gift ideas for men
  • Memorabilia/collectable gift ideas
  • Sports Fan gift ideas
  • Clothing gift ideas for men
  • Cool and funny gadgets
  • Accessories for men
So why not check the lens out, available here. You just might find that something that has been evading your mind up until now. Good luck and happy

Sunday 13 May 2012

When Should My Baby Go Into A Cot/Crib

Knowing when should my baby go into a cot is sometimes tougher then one may think. A baby is a very precious gift to parents and sometimes it can be a tough emotional battle to know exactly when the baby should go into a cot and move out of the Bassinet.

Because babies are so precious to us and mean the world to a parent, we tend to become somewhat over protective of our babies. Especially for first time parents. Understandable because being a first time parent everything is new to you and a lot of the time its trial and error. Then for the next child everything becomes a little bit easier from experience and having that extra bit of knowledge that we gained form our first baby.

Knowing when should my baby go into a cot is something that every parent has to deal with eventually. There can't be a specific age that a baby should go into a cot. This is because all babies are different and have unique needs. The best and only way of knowing when a baby should go into a cot is determined by many factors involving your unique lifestyle.

Parents should take into account these factors and really consider them all upon making a decision before putting a baby into a cot. When the parents have discussed these factors amongst themselves they should have a clearer understanding of when their baby is ready for the cot. A parent knows best and will know within themselves whether they have considered the many factors and will know to make the right decision.

Always follow your heart and do what you believe is right!. Nobody will be able to tell you otherwise if you feel that something is wrong in your heart. Its usually a good sign that something wont work if you aren't feeling it from your inner confidence and self belief.

To see what important factors to consider click here!.

Sunday 6 May 2012

Can The PlayStation 3 Be Used As A Computer?

Can The PlayStation 3 Be Used As A Computer? 

Some might say that the PlayStation 3 already is a computer. But is it really? Compared to a desktop PC the PlayStation 3 as is has nothing on a PC when it comes to effectively running software and the rest.

Just imagine how awesome the PlayStation 3 could be if it could not only be a great console that it is now, but also be a high powered computer that runs just like the computer that your using right now.

Well you don't have to imagine anymore! There is a legal solution to making your PlayStation 3 run like a high performance PC. All that it takes is installing a Free software download and burning it onto a DVD. Then after following a Linux for PS3 installation guide, your PlayStation 3 is now a cut above the rest.

Your new PS3 can now operate 99% of the applications that a desktop PC can run. Without even voiding any warranty!. Besides the obvious benefits of a PS3 working like a PC, something that I really like is that the PS3 can now play most music and movie files. No longer will you have to worry about whether or not the PS3 will play a specific file. The previously unsupported files will now work just like they would on your PC. Can the PS3 get any better!

Thursday 3 May 2012


If your like me, your reading this because you bought a Logitech harmony remote thinking 'Yes!, I finally have one remote to rule then all'. Little did we realize that the PlayStation 3 can't be controlled by the Logitech remotes.

There is a solution tho. No don't go and buy a new remote just to be disappointed again. Its as simple as getting an adapter that you plug into the wall, and it acts as a medium between the Logitech remote and your PlayStation 3. Cool hey.

Don't go out buying just any old adapter tho.If you looking for one that works perfectly and its performance is flawless, then check out this review on the logitech-harmony-adapter-for-playstation-3.

If your already committed to getting your PlayStation under control with the Logitech harmony adapter for PlayStation 3, then simply visit a trusted and safe seller like Amazon Before you know it, You Too Can Have One Remote To Rule Them All!

Saturday 28 April 2012

Can The iPhone Make Me Money

Photo Credit:
With Apple consistently moving forward releasing iPhone after iPhone and iPad now following suit, have you ever thought about getting a slice from the APPLE Pie for yourself?

But how can this happen you may ask. Well its simple, use the phenomenon that is the iPhone and iPad to your advantage. Take what is already an established and profitably product and use its features to your benefit.

How can the iPhone make me money?

There are multiple ways your could make some cash from the iPhone or iPad, but for now here is the top 3 ways that you can benefit from the Apple phenomenon. No it doesn't including taking your iPad or iPhone down to the markets and selling it or hiring out your iPad to your mates. Tho this can be done, but how good of a friend would you be..

So at number 3, is basically an app tester/reviewer. Something like the App Redeem site, you download the App and your away. This method probably wont generate you too much income but still that little bit of extra cash is not to be sneezed at. Be careful when choosing which App's you want review, and make sure your going to actually make money from the amount of points you are given.

The second best way the iPhone can make you some extra cash is to market the actual device. Use various methods of internet marketing and try and get your readers to buy a iPhone or even its accessories and receive a cut of the money for yourself. This option does require a lot of hard work and determination on your end, so think of it more as a part time job rather then just a easy instant cash flow. But if you have the commitment, anything is possible!

Finally the number 1 way to receive a slice of the Apple pie for yourself!.
Whats something that Apple has billions of which out numbers actual hand held devices?
Apps! Of course!. The top App creators rake in $1000's each and every day. Don't stop reading because you think its hard. It's actually a lot easier then one would think.

With the right training you can have your own App or game in the apple store within 4 weeks!.
That's right you could be earning endless possibilities of cash from your own unique Apps within weeks. Even with free Apps you can make limitless amounts of money simply from having ads in your App.

If your wanting to succeed and leach of Apple's success, then I suggest you start racking your brain for some great ideas for Apps/Games. Something simple as making an App that makes the noises of passing wind has made one man a tonne of cash. From something as simple as that!

 Learning how to create an App for the Apple Store is made simple from various online courses and Ebooks. With having a App being published within 4 weeks is the course's focus. Some even guarantee you that your App will be published by Apple.

With the course's and Ebooks being simple enough for anybody to complete even for somebody with no programming experience at all, creating your own App or Game could very well be a money maker that you didn't even think possible.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Can Technology Help To Paint The Exterior Of A House

Time for a new Paint Job?.

Its a daunting task painting the exterior of a house when you consider the size of the building and work involved. From planning to preparation to the actual painting, each step is an involved process.

Do you have what it takes? Do you know how to paint the exterior of a house?

Times have changed and with it so has technology. Virtual house painting wouldn't have even been dreamed of back in the day. Its amazing how technology is creeping into every aspect of life. Mostly changing the world for the good :)

So with all this technology and improvements to the way we function as a society, such common or basic things we once had to actually go out and ask about, is now right at our fingertips. learning how to paint would once upon a time would have been a question for your Father or the paint shop. Now its as simple as searching for 'how to paint' on Google and we have instant answers.

So in saying this the actual process of painting a house is still much the same, besides the virtual house painting aspect and the invention of the Spray Gun. But the ability to learn the in's and out's have become much easier for the average D.I.Y'er to get their hand's on and use to their advantage. So we thank technology :)

Saturday 21 April 2012

How To Choose Exterior House Paint Colors

Got a new paint job on the go and need some help to choose the exterior house paint colors?
It can be a tough decision to make, as you will have to live with those colors that you choose for a long time. So make sure you have taken into consideration all the influences that can affect the end result on your paint job.

House painting software allows you to virtually paint your house without wasting any money or paint via the trial and error method. So many times have I been told to just paint it and when your done we can decide whether we like the finish. No!. That's wasting paint and the painters time and money.
Now you can trial thousands of colors for your home whether it be internal or external thanks to House Painting Software. Mix and match colors, the options are endless.

Once you have chosen your exterior house paint colors, make sure you have adequately prepped your house. Grind, sand, dust, and prime the timber so its at a suitable painting surface. Never paint over loose and flaky old paint. You will just be wasting your time painting as it will continue to crack and flake off down the track. Use my recommended tools and you should be ready to paint your house like a professional.

Friday 20 April 2012

The best Mothers Day Gifts

The best Mothers Day gifts are often something that doesn't have a price tag on it. Something that is close to your Mothers Heart that makes for the most unique Mother's Day gifts.

Consider the more personal attributes of your Mother and learn a bit about them. Find out what your Mother loves to do in her spare time. Maybe its something as simple as having a nice Mothers Day down in the park feeding the ducks. It might not seem like too much to you, but to your Mother it could be the best Mothers Day gifts she has ever received.

Think outside the box this Mothers Day and share some wonderful memories together.
Happy Mothers Day to all the Mothers out there!.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

3D PS3 Cable will make 3D work on your PS3

How to make 3d work on PS3?
Its frustrating when things that should be simple aren't. Well to make 3D work on Ps3 is simple, but just not easy to find the answers too. After some playing around i found that you need a 3D
PS3 Cable which isn't too expensive if you buy the correct 3D PS3 cable for your PS3. Once you have your 3D PS3 cable your ready to go, as long as you have a 3D T.V and glasses of course.

Then you just got to play around with the settings on your PS3 and change the 3D Resolution settings appropriately. After searching around my PS3 settings for quite some time i finally found where to change the settings to make 3d work on Ps3.

Put in my first 3d Blu Ray Disc and wouldn't you know it, it finally worked. Woohoo!!
Needless to say it was a 3D extravaganza after that. Tweaking with the visuals and what not, but finally with my new 3D PS3 cable I was able to make 3D work on PS3. Never looked back since :)

Monday 16 April 2012

Instant Baby Sleep Review

The Instant Baby sleep Review you have been searching for. This is a honest real life review of the Instant Baby Sleep soundtrack as of April 2012.
Is it a scam you ask?.

I will give you my honest thoughts and opinion throughout this review of the Instant Baby Sleep download. But for extra security, No it is not a scam as stated by

A Little about the Instant Baby Sleep Downloadable mp3 soundtrack. After 2 sleepless nights me and my partner were at our wits end and ready to try anything to get our baby boy to have a proper sleep. I stumped across this baby sleep technique and thought its worth a shot. So i Googled "Instant Baby Sleep Review" and read what i could and was ready to commit.

So it was a very easy download and the best part is that you can start using this baby sleep technique within 5 minutes. Anyways The soundtrack helped on the first night!. It wasn't like put the CD on and BAM! baby is asleep, but it did distract him and made him kinda zone out. We played the CD all night long whilst we slept as well. Yes we actually got sleep that night. Not the best nights sleep but much better then the 2 previous nights. So We were thrilled!

So with this success we decided to keep having tests with The Instant Baby Sleep which we have posted in our more in depth and  descriptive Instant Baby Sleep review.

Have you tried the Instant Baby Sleep Soundtrack? Let us know how it went for you either here or on our more detailed review here. Would love to hear what other parents think of this product.

Thanks for reading
The Painting Parent

Sunday 1 April 2012