Monday 20 August 2012

The Golden Path Closes It's Doors

Well, what a email to wake up to today! I was waiting to hear the actual conference call before making my decision as to whether to fund my Golden Path account or not. I guess the decision has been made for me!

So The Golden Path is now officially closed for business until further notice. It's time to straighten out the kinks and bring back a new and IMPROVED Golden Path. Well we all hope. In the email they stated that they will be removing the removing the necessity for recruitment of new members. This sounds great, but how will it work? Maybe the incentive of joining the Golden Path without having to recruit (although this was how it was originally meant to be) might actually encourage more new members to join. Reverse psychology perhaps?

So the newest members could end up being rather lucky, if all well prevails. The newsletter also stated that new members wont be able to join The Golden Path for months!. We members are now part of a exclusive private club. Admit you feel a little bit special.

So my thoughts are still somewhat unchanged on TGP, maybe when I watch the replay of the conference call things might change. Time will tell.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Zeek Rewards Shuts Down

The news of Zeek Rewards being shut down due to Ponzi Scheme has sent quite a few nerves through the Multi Level Marketing industry. The SEC shut the doors to just a couple days ago on Friday 17th August 2012.

Over one million members of Zeek Rewards will be waking up this weekend and not feeling so well. Almost like they have lost someone close to them. I didn't actually join up to Zeek Rewards, but just a few short weeks ago I was looking into the program. As per normal I got side tracked and forgot to take any further action.

Even tho I personally wasn't involved in Zeek Rewards it still sends a chill through me. Who's NEXT? Will the SEC (Security And Exchange Commission) continue on their rampage and destroy the programs I am involved in! Lets hope not!.

Fortunately for the good of man kind their are Legit company's online in which you can make a decent wage from. These sort of programs are what give us all stability and can afford to take a chance with some of the more riskier sites.

Take A Chance Today On A REAL Online Business And Be Amazed By The Results

Monday 6 August 2012

WOW the Golden Path Is Starting To Rock!

I cannot be HAPPIER then I am right now with the progress of my Golden Path account. If your sitting on the fence I say JUMP IN!

So here's the deal. I joined on June 10. Cycled my first position into Level 1 on June 29. On June 21, I bought my 2nd $2 Subscription (SUB) which cycled it's first position into level 2 on July 28.

So this morning the 6th August (Australia Time) my very first position created by my first SUB on June 10(cycled into lvl 2 June 29) has cycled into Level 3!!! When a position cycles into level 3 the member gets $5. Doesn't sound like much but it only goes up from here :)

For 9 days in a row now both of my SUBS positions have been cycling Level 1 everyday! It would appear that I am now self funding (costing me no more).

So now that my first position has cycled into level 3, my account has now finally/this very day gone positive. Going in the right direction now. Going up instead of down or remaining equal. GREAT NEWS!

THANK-YOU Golden Path. Keep On Rocking!

If you want to join and take your life down the Golden Path with a serious kinf natured business Then click on thee link below!. You WON'T regret it!.
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