Wednesday 27 June 2012

The Unstoppable Whirlpool, The Next Golden Path?

I'm at it again! Investing into whether is a scam or will it grow like The Golden Path.

"Update 09/09/2012 - As of a few days ago I let my Unstoppable Whirlwind account fade away. It turns out that it wasn't unstoppable after all.  With little to no winds for a couple weeks, my level 4 account was going backwards for what seemed like weeks. With the change of Pay Plan and lack of info. from the Unstoppable whirlwind Admin I decided to not fund my account any further. Was the Unstoppable Whirlwind a Scam?. Well that's for you to decide. All I can tell you is that it didn't work for me and I don't recommend joining this program. Lesson learned and I will now stay away from these types of Programs. Lets Hope The Golden Path doesn't go down the same windless Path."

**Skip The Review And Find Our Top Rated Program HERE**


So after being With The Golden Path for 3 weeks I have been following a lot of threads about these cyclers and group matrixes. With the downtime of The Golden Path I had a lot of time to research.

What I found was The Unstoppable Whirlwind Program. Only just had its pre launch today the 27th June (26th June 2012, depending where you live) and so far it is doing extremely well. Plenty of people are cycling really fast and getting payouts as proof.

So as it is early days I'm getting in on the action!. I shall report here to my success..or failure..
Beat the crowd and get in early I say. People tend to cycle real fast at the beginning.

So The Unstoppable WhirlWind is similar to The Golden Path as it is a company forced matrix which adds whirlwinds instead of angels into the matrix to help it continue to cycle.  It has one more level in the matrix then The Golden Path. But the daily sub costs only $1 and can  

From $1 Per Day Which Can Payout Up To $500!!. From JUST ONE DOLLAR per day!!

If you remotely interested just take a look for yourself and test the waters with just a small deposit from either STP Or Payza.

OtherWise Try Our Favorite Income Earner For FREE Here

Monday 18 June 2012 Scam Or Legit?

 Skip The review, click here for our TOP Rated opportunity!

  *Update* The Golden Path Is No MORE. New Program Replacing TGP SOON?*

Will I join this NEW program? I don't know. I believe I should probably stick to 'Legit Jobs Online' as a form of constant income.

I'm off on a mission to find out if is a scam or whether it can actually solve so many people's money problems. With such a outstanding growth in members in such a short time, this $2 compensation plan got me intrigued.

I stumbled upon The Golden Path by accident. I hadn't even heard of a "Matrix" or "matrices" before. Why did I decide to join up, what convinced me? Well I won't go into long detail here buy you can check out my webpage dedicated to The Golden Path. On that page you can find out why I joined and my current progress in the possible money making system.  


So Is The Golden Path A Scam?

I honestly believe that is not a scam. I could be wrong and all my friends will not let me live it down. For the last couple of weeks its been The Golden Path This, The golden path is the future etc... But for now I have a good feeling and want everyone to know. But if it does turn out to be a scam then everyone will know also.

So The Golden Path is basically a 2x2 company forced Matrix, Each day you buy a $2 subscription. As the days go by your subscription gets pushed along the Matrix by other peoples subscriptions,your own positions and Angel Positions.

Angel positions were added into the matrix at the opening of the Golden Path and are also added daily whenever anybody cycles a level. The amount of Angel positions created varies on the different levels. Angel positions are excatly like our positions BUT they are not human and the money earnt by angel positions will go directly back into the Matrix to keep pushing and pushing the matrix along. Helping us all cycle faster and faster.

The key to The Golden Path working is members buying the $2 Subscription everyday!! Don't let your balance fall to $0. Or any of your subscriptions already in the matrix will disappear and go to the members. Your account gets deleted after 48 hours of no subs being bought.

So once your Sub has been pushed along for long enough by other peoples positions, Angel positions and your own Positions it eventually will level up. Known as cycling. This amount of time depends and can't be guaranteed. So my story here is just a guide! So once you cycle level 1 on a daily basis your $2 sub starts to earn $2. Therefore not costing a cent anymore as it basically gets used to buy the next days $2 sub. Your sub now keeps moving along and will cycle level 2. Then you start making profit. Your sub then makes $5 each time your positions cycle level 2. Then you cycle level 3,4,5. This is when you make $44 for every $2 position created for only $2 a day. As long as you keep buying a sub everyday.(which is done automatically via the system as long as you have funds in your Ewallet)

Now this is amazing right! Keep earning $44 a day for a week or so then buy an additional sub. So now your paying $4 a day. Once it has cycled level 5 you will then make $88 every $2 sub!. Then repeat the cycle and opportunities are limitless! Just make sure you keep enough money in your Ewallet or your subs will vanish :(

If you are curious about The Golden Path I can Help. 

Sign up whenever you are convinced or feel you are ready via the below banner. This will ensure that I am your sponsor and we will be connected in the members area. So if you have any questions, I will be able to answer you more personally. Plus as an incentive I am willing to provide help with funds once I start cycling and making profits.

Once you are connected to me as your sponsor I can transfer you a bonus $10 into your Golden Path Ewallet. For now only the first 10 people to sign up under me, and only once I am cycling and making money myself. Only serious members please. Its in the good nature of The Golden Path to share and help sponsor people, so I'm doing my bit. I am serious you will see my name when you click through: Im_into_that, once you join you can message me. 

Please Note It Is Recommended To Fund About $80 per $2 Daily Sub. This Will Cover You For 40 Days.

Please also read terms of service before joining as some countries cannot participate due to their governing laws.

Banner 2 468 x 60


The Golden Path Updates

My Journey In The Golden Path

I Joined up to about 04/06/2012. Just after I joined up the website went under construction as it needed to move to a larger server as they didn't expect such an influx of members. I didn't get a chance to fund my account as it took 2 days for my Solid Trust Pay account to transfer funds from my bank to it.. So I recommend signing up to a payment processor before joining The Golden Path. So by the time I had money in my Solid Trust Pay account and when The Golden Path's website got back up and running, it had been too long and my account had been deleted. You must buy a sub or fund your account within 48 hrs or it will be deleted.

  • So on 10/06/2012 I joined back up to The Golden Path and funded my ewallet and bought my first $2 subscription. I funded my Ewallet with $42. Which gives me 21 days to cycle level 1.
  • The Golden Path Update: 17/06/2012. My first $2 sub is still on level 1. Day 8. No money made as of yet. I feel it wont be too much further away.
  • The Golden Path Update: 21/06/2012. Haven't cycled Level 1 yet (day 11). I feel pretty convinced now that The Golden Path is going to work. So just funded my Ewallet with more cash and bought a second subscription. Now it costs me $4 a day until my first sub cycles level 1 (hopefully soon).
  • The Golden Path Update: 30/06/2012. Woohoo TGP is back online! Guess what!! My first position has cycled Level 1 and is now self funding. Great News! This happened within my budget and quicker then I had Imagined. Thank you The Golden Path 
  • The Golden Path Update 12/07/2012.  Finally digging through The back log of positions placed on June 14 due to website and DDOS issue's. 2 days in a row now i have cycled Level 1 and the next position isn't more then 1.5 days away i reckon. The Golden Path is back bigger and better then ever.
  • The Golden Path Update 28/07/2012. So I have 2 subs costing me $4 a day. Up until today I was cycling 1 sub every 2nd day. So it was still costing me on average $3 a day. Today my 2nd Sub Purchased on 21/06/2012 has cycled for the first time. So in saying this it means now it costs me $2 per day because every second day $4 is put back into my account. So now I can basically say that my 1st sub is now self funding.
  •  The Golden Path Update 29/07/2012. 2 days in a row now both of my subs have cycled level 1. So it has cost me nothing for 2 days now :). Is this the point in which my account starts building up its long term Business income??? I do not know. All I know is that TGP had a big push on the Matrices today and lots of people are cycling multiple days worth of subs in just 1 day. Thank you Golden Path, keep up the good work. 
  • The Golden Path Update 06/08/2012. 9 days in a row of both my subs cycling level 1, therefore making my account self funding :). BETTER NEWS. My very first position has now cycled level 2 and entered into level 3. Members are paid $5 per position cycling level 2. More details HERE 
  • The Golden Path Update 09/08/2012. Well If you all haven't heard The Compensation Plan for TGP has been modified. Level 5 no longer pays out to the member. Instead when you cycle level 5 you create 20 extra Angel Positions. This will help cycle the lower levels much much faster. Therefore it should mean we eventually will still earn the same amount because more positions will cycle faster on a daily basis now. 
  • Golden Path Update 18/09/2012. Well turns out The Golden Path did absolutely NOTHING for me... TGP is no more. A new program is to be announced by these guys with free membership for previous TGP members. BUT will I join?? I don't know. Along with a lot of other people I only saw promises that  I never received. 4 months ago I joined TGP and I'm now only worse off then before. Not better off!. So the new program will have to absolutely BLOW me away to interest my wallet.

Saturday 9 June 2012

The Best Mountable Sports Camera

What makes for a great mountable sports camera and what are they?

Well first up it has to be built and designed in such a way that it is mountable to most surfaces, including your body. You want a camera that has multiple mountable attachments or at least the option is their to buy these mountable attachments. It seems pointless to buy a new sports camera if it can be attached to your helmet only for example.You want a mountable sports camera then can be attached to your bike, snowboard, helmet, car, skateboard, surfboard..etc.

The mountable sports camera must be fit to withstand the harshest of environments. This isn't a ordinary camera, its an extreme sports camera and has to be up to the task. The camera will be with you through thick and thin so it must be so tough and durable to be able to keep up with what you put it through.

Your mountable sports camera needs to be able to capture the detail of every move you make. You want every second of the cliff dive to count and you want your sports camera their beside you. Capturing every intense second of your life threatening dive. The camera must be able to handle the conditions without any distorted video and no noise interference from the wind. On top of this the mountable sports camera must be waterproof!.

What I think is the best Mountable Sports Camera is completely my opinion and may differ from many others. This camera does it all. Its an obvious choice which makes it the number one sports camera that is used by many sporting extremists and athletes alike. If you haven't guessed by now, the camera I'm talking about is the GoPro HD Hero2.

It's amazing what this camera can do. The list of features just goes on and on and with the new diving attachment being released, its hard to stop the GoPro HD Hero2. Check it out for yourself. If You Dare!